Victorian Regional Channels Authority (VRCA) will be conducting ‘bed-levelling’ operations in selected areas of the channels, berths and approaches of the Port of Geelong, commencing on or about Tuesday, January 7, 2020.
The bed levelling exercise is designed to re-distribute sediment to deeper parts of the channel. This will ensure charted depths of the channel will be maintained, and a safe underkeel clearance provided to continue to ensure the safe navigation of vessels visiting the port.
VRCA says the operations will be undertaken within the requirements of the Marine and Coastal Management Act with consent approved by Victoria’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
The works will be conducted by Tug EDI, a 24m twin screw utility vessel. The vessel will be operating in various locations within the berths and channels within port of Geelong waters.
Mariners are advised, by Notice to Mariners No 2 – 2020 that bed-levelling and sweeping operations are scheduled to commence on or about January 6, 2020 and continue for approximately three weeks. The hours of operation will be variable during this period.
The Tug EDI vessel will exhibit shapes and lights in accordance with the Prevention of Collisions at Sea Regulations 1972 and will maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 12.
Mariners and port users are advised to navigate with caution within the Port of Geelong during the bed levelling operations, proceed at a safe speed at all times and keep well clear at all times.